Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Who I am...

Lately I have been asking myself, "If I were to put a more descriptive “about me” on this blog, what would I want people to know?"  Since the kids are down for a nap and most of my tasks for the day have been completed, I thought my post for today would answer exactly that.  Firstly, I am Leslie, mama to two, wife, home keeper, geologist, and blog writer.  Here is a list of seven more things that might be pertinent.  (The fact that I put an "about me" in a list probably describes me plenty, but anyway...)

1.       I live with my two super great kids, Cooper and Penny, and my equally great husband, David, who is often referred to on this blog (and real life) as Daddy. We live in South Texas and get to look at the sea every day.  I’m not sure we would live in South Texas if we couldn’t see the sea…

2.       I like my stay-at-home/work schedule.  I am a full time mom, and I am a geologist part time, as in, part-part time, like 10 to 15 hours a week.  This is a perfect setup; it gives me the awesome opportunity to be the mainstay in our kids’ lives AND I get to keep one foot in the door of my career for the day I go back full time.  And it keeps me from going crazy.

3.       I don’t have a super specific plan about when I will “go back to work full-time” and that is THE number one question I get asked by people. It sort of irks me…but I suppose I will not be able to change the world in its general view that stay-at-home-moms aren’t really working, so I try to remember to be confident and content with what I am doing and how it was the right decision for OUR family.  

4.  I like doing various activities with the kids, from visiting neat places to playing with play-doh to playing with trains (Coop's fav activity).  I also enjoy cooking, baking, D-I-Y projects around the house, reading, writing, and SOMETIMES I feel like doing something crafty.  Lately I have been into sewing.  When I get on health kicks, I like to run long distances. I am also up for anything that involves the outdoors, even if its just pushing the kids on the swings.  

5.       I have been writing this blog for nearly 3 and a half years, mostly as a way to keep our family in the know about our rapidly growing kids, but lately I have been wanting to do more with it and go in other directions.  I am not 100% sure why, how, or when I am going to do this. 

6.       We are currently living in the second house we have ever bought, and it is the second house we have invested time and money into fixing up. At the time we bought our first house, a 90-year-old D.I.Y.-er’s dream, I had never even painted a wall. Or landscaped.  Or had ANY idea how much home improvement could cost.  My husband, however, knows how to do almost anything, and his confidence that we could do it ourselves helped me to discover my inner do-it-yourselfer.   It’s been fun.

7.       I use this blog space as a means to chronicle our journey through life.  Having a Penny and a Cooper for my thoughts delights, amuses, and inspires me every day.  I hope a Penny (and Cooper) in your thoughts can delight, amuse and inspire you too.  Thanks for following along!

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