This week Cooper turned 15 months old! We went in for his well baby appointment and unfortunately, more shots! Cooper is now 32 inches long (er, tall) and weighs 25 lbs. He is where he always is in percentile: 50th for weight, and 75th for length. The doctor was pleased at how active both physically and cognitively he is, and how healthy he is! Our tall and lean little dude has yet to ever run a fever! Over the holidays, Cooper also cut his two upper incisors, leaving only two teeth to go until his 2 year molars! Whew!
Cooper has also figured out the slide he got for Christmas...then he took it to the next level at our friend's house. They have a big-kid fort complete with a ladder and slide, which are a good 4 to 5 feet off the ground. Cooper ran over to it, and immediately scrambled up the ladder and went down the slide as if he had been doing it for years! David was ecstatic and I had to take a few deep breaths.